Sunday, December 29, 2013

Well I had ran into a lot of different problems.  Had some great fall pictures but then my printer broke. Did a show and had some great pictures of that and Christmas but lost my camera.  So I got a new camera for Christmas and learning how to use it.  Will be trying some new things with it till I learn how.  Want to see if I can attach a video.  Hope everyone had a great Christmas. 

Kitchen Tree

 Candles I make
My punch needle piece on a old board
My punch needle pumpkin punch needle piece on a old slaw board and one of my pumpkin candles
Living room tree
My grandmothers ornament
My wax fruit apples, pears, lemons, pineapple, oranges
Dinning room tree with my wax ornaments and in the back ground a cross stich picture I did yrs ago
More wax fruit and a bear my girlfriends daughter made
These are my soaps ~apples.  I love them so much I cant bring myself to use them.  But that is not good.
Patio tree

My wax ornaments
My wax sheep hanging

We got a great deal on these plants. These are going to look great beside the pool.....

We will be closing the pool soon but love how this is turning out.

Mirror for above fireplace

Mirror for above fireplace
Found this at a sale. Had been looking for something for above my fireplace. I really think I like this.....

old bottles

old bottles
Got all these old blue bottles and I think I am going to make bath salts for them.

2010 Shaker Woods Show

Garden at booth