Sunday, September 12, 2010

2010 Show at antiques in the woods

Here are a few pictures of what I bought for myself.  Love these tables and the color.

Having a great time at Antiques in the Woods show in Columbiana.
Here are some pictures of some of the vendors booths and also my antique candles I brought into my booth for the show.  Old Coffee candles in Peppercorn or Caramel Latte and old tobacco tins in Grandfathers Pipe scent................

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I would have loved to be there at that show. Wow! I love those tables you purchased. Their just beautiful. Your candles in a can are gorgous. I'm planning on putting your blog on mine as one of my favs. It's fabulous. Love your store too. Am I drooling to much?!? LOL! You do great work. God bless. Cathy


We got a great deal on these plants. These are going to look great beside the pool.....

We will be closing the pool soon but love how this is turning out.

Mirror for above fireplace

Mirror for above fireplace
Found this at a sale. Had been looking for something for above my fireplace. I really think I like this.....

old bottles

old bottles
Got all these old blue bottles and I think I am going to make bath salts for them.

2010 Shaker Woods Show

Garden at booth